Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS)

The Grand, New Delhi
25 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2023


The Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS) held by The Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA) aims to assemble the finest global minds in Sinology from diverse academic backgrounds to analyse and understand China's path to global superpower status. The theme of this year's conference is 'Beijing's Superpower Ambitions in the 'New Era'. The conference deliberations will focus on strategies and policies deployed to advance Beijing's economic and international interests, project military power and enhance the Communist Party of China's (CPC) authority. The format of dialogue is divided across Panels, Roundtables, Keynote Addresses, Experts' Dialogues and Special Events (Addresses or Panels).


September 2023 The Grand, New Delhi


Concept Note

The theme of ORCA's Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS) 2023 is Beijing's Superpower Ambitions in the 'New Era'

At the 19th National Party Congress, Party Secretary Xi Jinping announced the beginning of a 'new era' which was to be driven by 'socialism with Chinese characteristics'. The 20th National Party Congress has seen that mandate renewed amidst Xi's international, regional, and domestic ambitions to build China into a global superpower - and the CPC into a global 'super-party'. Countries across the world see this ambition with alarm, especially as China inches closer to creating an alternative global order, a pax-Sinica to replace pax-Americana. With China attempting to facilitate a transition from great power to superpower in an increasingly multipolar world, signs of this ambitious transition are visible in China's domestic and international posturing. To glean how China is preparing for the 'new era', this conference will bring together the finest minds in Sinology to analyse the trajectory of China's rise and its path to superpower status. The conference will cover how Beijing's assertive foreign policy is evolving to secure its numerous interests around the world while projecting a benign image of itself. It will also explore how inner workings of the party that influence provincial governance and elite politics will guide China's engagement with the international system. As China's economy rediscovers the road to recovery, the conference will explore the ways in which economies can manage the complexities of trade and investment with China while looking for alternatives to Chinese manufacturing. China's military - one of the most critical variables in China's superpower ambitions - will be studied to examine the potential for conflict and confrontation.The Global Conference on New Sinology will bring experts of all ages, from diverse academic backgrounds and around the world, to New Delhi for an objective and comprehensive assessment of China's superpower ambitions and responses to Beijing's hegemonic rise.


Peruse through the schedule of ORCA's inaugural Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS).
Click on the events to read more.

  • By Ms. Eerishika Pankaj, Head of Research and Operations Director at Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)

  • Amb. Shyam Saran, Former Foreign Secretary of India; former Chairman of National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) and current President of India International Centre (IIC) 
    Topic | Navigating India's Way Amidst Beijing's Global Ambitions

Break for Morning Tea

  • Dr. Lance Liangping Gore, Senior Research Fellow, the East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore (NUS)
    Topic | What Role Does the Party Apparatus Play in Foreign Policy-Making in China?

  • Moderated by Professor S.D. Muni, Professor Emeritus at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Opening Remarks: South Asia and Xi's Wolf Warrior Diplomacy | Closing Remarks: Common Threads Guiding Chinese Foreign Policy across Regions

  • Dr. Swasti Rao, Associate Fellow at the Europe and Eurasia Center, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA)
    Topic | China's Balancing Act on Europe: Between Cooperation and Competition?

  • Dr. Anuradha Chenoy, Former Dean at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, (JNU) New Delhi
    Topic | A New Foray into an Old Backyard: Creating Eurasia with Chinese Characteristics

  • Dr. Renu Modi, Former Director of the Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai
    Topic | Chinese and Indian Charm Offensive in Africa

  • Mr. Kabir Taneja, Fellow with the Strategic Studies program at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi
    Topic | China's Evolving Peace Diplomacy in West Asia: Advancing Interests and Cultivating Image

  • Dr. Temjenmeren Ao, Associate Fellow in the Southeast Asia & Oceania Centre at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA)
    Topic | China's Smart Power Strategy in Southeast Asia

  • Professor Hideshi Tokuchi, President, Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS)
    Topic | Caution and Contention: China's Northeast and East Asian Foreign Policy Ambitions

  • Dr. Johan Lagerkvist, Professor of Chinese Language and Culture and Director, Stockholm Center for Global Asia, Stockholm University
    Topic | Domestic Drivers of Chinese Foreign Policy-making

  • Moderated by Amb. Manjeev Singh Puri, Former Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the UN
    Opening Remarks: China's Revision of Existing Institutional Rules and Multilateral Norms | Closing Remarks: Creation of China-led Institutionalism 

  • Dr. Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) at the Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP), Sweden
    Topic | Between Order and World Order: China's Drive for the Post-Bretton Woods Institutions

  • Dr. Swaran Singh, Professor for Diplomacy and Disarmament at Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, (JNU) New Delhi.
    Topic | Designed to Appeal: The Global South as Audience and Buyer
  • Mr. Lucas Myers, Senior Associate for Southeast Asia at the Asia Program, Wilson Center, Washington DC
    Topic | Beijing's Systemic Confrontation with North America: Pax Sinica vs Pax Americana

  • Moderated by Mr. Nitin Gokhale, Founder of StratNewsGlobal and BharatShakti
    Opening and Closing Remarks: Xi's Emphasis on Developing Indigenous Industrial Capabilities for the Defence Sector

  • Dr. Amrita Jash, Assistant Professor at the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
    Topic | The Party's Army: CMC and its Aspirations for the PLA

  • Dr. Manpreet Sethi, Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi and Senior Research Advisor, APLN
    Topic | Strategic Support and Rocket Force in China's Security Calculus

  • Dr. Li Nan, Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (NUS)
    Topic | Backbone of Warfighting: The Industries Modernising China's Armed Forces

  • Air Marshal M Matheswaran, Founder Chairman and President of The Peninsula Foundation (TPF)
    Topic | Modernising the Dragon's Flight: PLAAF in the 2027 Centennial

  • Capt. Kamlesh Agnihotri, Senior Fellow at the National Maritime Foundation (NMF)
    Topic | Tracking China's Naval Modernisation: Capacity vs Capability

  • Moderated by Amb. Biren Nanda, Former High Commissioner to Australia, ASEAN, and Indonesia, and Senior Fellow for Act East Diplomacy, Delhi Policy Group
    Opening Remarks: Strongman Politics and Populist Leadership Styles: Impact on Border | Closing Remarks: Situating the India-China Border Dispute in China's Territorial Claims

  • Lt. Gen. Praveen Bakshi, Former Eastern Army Commander & Distinguished Fellow, United Services Institution of India
    Topic | Infrastructure Contours: Road to Parity along the LAC

  • Cmde. R. Seshadri Vasan (Retd.), Director General, Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S) & Regional Director, National Maritime Foundation (NMF) 
    Topic | Extra-Regional Factors Influencing the Border Dispute: From Quad to Taiwan and Beyond

  • Air Marshal Anil Chopra, Director General of Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS)
    Topic | Tipping the Scales: IAF's Role in Securing Borders

  • Amb. Ashok Kantha, Former Ambassador of India to China
    Topic | Offering Reciprocity, Countering Asymmetry: The Next Five Years

  • Moderated by Cmde. C. Uday Bhaskar, Director of the Society for Policy Studies (SPS)
    Opening Remarks: PLAN's Emerging Tech Maritime-Military Footprint | Closing Remarks: Implications of Beijing Re-shaping the Maritime Security Architecture using Technology

  • Cmde. Anil Jai Singh, Vice President and Head-Delhi branch, Indian Maritime Foundation and Senior Vice President, Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems India
    Topic | Indian Ocean Region - Technology in China's Maritime Power Projection - Intelligence Gathering with Submarines, Surveillance Activity with Ships -Subsea Internet Cables

  • Dr. Shinji Yamaguchi, Senior Research Fellow in the Regional Studies Department of the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defense, Japan 
    Topic | Chinese Activities in South China Sea, East China Sea, Korean Peninsula and Taiwan Straits - A2D2 - Hybrid Warfare - Net-centric warfare - C4


Break for Evening Tea

  • Mr. Claude Arpi, Distinguished Fellow, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies, Shiv Nadar University (SNU), Delhi
    Topic |  Tibet and Buddhism in the India-China Complexities


  • Moderated by Dr. Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) at the Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP), Sweden. 
    Opening Remarks: India's Expectations of the Quad | Closing Remarks: The Challenges Within and Prospects for the Future

  • Mr. Neil Thomas, Fellow for Chinese Politics at Asia Society Policy Institute's (ASPI) Center for China Analysis
    Topic | India in US's Quad Paradigm

  • Amb. Biren Nanda, Former High Commissioner to Australia, ASEAN, and Indonesia, and Senior Fellow for Act East Diplomacy, Delhi Policy Group 
    Topic | India in Australia's Quad Paradigm

  • Prof. Hideshi Tokuchi, President, Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS)
    Topic | India in Japan's Quad Paradigm

  • Prof. Chintamani Mahapatra, Founder and Honorary Chairman of Kalinga Institute of Indo-Pacific Studies, Bhubaneshwar, India
    Topic | China's Responses to Quad: Past Present and Future


  • Moderated by Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (SNU), Delhi NCR
    Opening Remarks: 10-year Anniversary of the BRI Project: What Has it Meant for the World? | Closing Remarks: Future of BRI Under Xi: The Next 5 Years

  • Mr. Lucas Myers, Senior Associate for Southeast Asia at the Asia Program, Wilson Center, Washington DC
    Topic | Strategic Implications of BRI Projects in India's Neighbourhood: Case Study of Myanmar

  • Ms. Namrata Hasija, Research Fellow with the Centre for China Analysis and Strategy (CCAS), New Delhi
    Topic | Extended Arms of Influence: Health, Digital, Arctic and More

  • Mr. Sanjay Pulipaka, Chairperson of the Politeia Research Foundation 
    Topic | The Leverage of Development Finance: Influencing Recipient Countries

  • Dr. Lance Liangping Gore, Senior Research Fellow, the East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore (NUS)
    Topic | Domestic Actors of Global BRI

Break for Morning Tea

  • Moderated by Dr. Madhu Bhalla, Former Professor and Head of the Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University
    Topic | Opening Remarks: Appraisal of the 'China Plus One' | Closing Remarks: Realistic Solutions to Emerging as a Sustainable Alternative to China

  • Dr. D. Sunitha Raju, Professor of Economics and Chairperson (Research), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)
    Topic | Protecting Its Own: How China is Preparing Against Diversification

  • Mr. Konark Bhandari, Fellow with Carnegie India
    Topic | Levelling the Field: Holistic Approaches to Global Semiconductor Supply Chains

  • Dr. Rupa Chanda, Director of Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, UNESCAP
    Topic | Evaluating India's Stake in the China Plus One Strategy: Make in India, PLI and SCRI

  • Amb. Ujal Singh Bhatia, India's Former Permanent Representative to the WTO
    Topic | Gaining at China's Expense: Trade Pacts in South-East Asia's Opportunity

  • Dr. S. P. Sharma, Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary General at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi
    Topic | An Industrialist's Perspective: Practical Challenges to Decoupling

  • Moderated by Mr. M. R. Sivaraman IAS (Retd), Vice President, Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S) & Former Revenue Secretary, Govt. of India.
    Opening Remarks: Technological Self-reliance in 'Sanctions Proofing' the Chinese Economy | Closing Remarks: Implications of Self-sufficiency Efforts for Economic Growth

  • Capt. (Dr.) Nitin Agarwala, Senior Fellow, Centre for Joint Warfare Studies (CENJOWS), New Delhi
    Topic | Indigenous Developments in China's Smart Manufacturing: MIC 2025

  • Ms. Lydia Powell, Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
    Topic | The Race Towards Self-Sufficiency: From Solar to Lithium

  • Dr. Aravind Yelery, Associate Professor at the Centre for East Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Topic | Crackdown on Chinese Tech Companies: Reining in the Digital Economy

  • Amb. Smita Purushottam, India's former Ambassador to Venezuela, Switzerland and Founder of Science, Indigenous Technology and Advanced Research Accelerator (SITARA)
    Topic | China's Indigenisation and Standardisation of Digital Connectivity Infrastructure: The Case of Information Communication Technology (ICT)


  • Moderated by Amb. Venu Rajamony, Professor of Diplomatic Practice at the O.P. Jindal Global University and former Ambassador of India to the Netherlands 
    Opening Remarks: Beyond a Western Lens: Conceptualising the New Age of Indian Sinology | Closing Remarks: Stronger Bonds: Integrating Academia and Policy Making

  • Dr. Usha Chandran, Assistant Professor, Centre for Chinese and South East Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Topic |  Knowing China Through the Chinese Language 

  • Dr. Rajiv Ranjan, Faculty Member at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi and Adjunct Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), New Delhi
    Topic | Integrating Interdisciplinary Research Methodologies in the Study of China

  • Dr. Ritu Agarwal, Associate Professor at Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
    Topic | Beyond the Popular Narratives: Study of Provincial China

  • Dr. Sriparna Pathak, Associate Professor and the Director of the Centre for Northeast Asa Studies at the School of International Affairs of O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU)
    Topic | Reading Between the Lines: Effective Use of Secondary Sources amidst Tense Ties

  • Moderated by Mr. Jayadeva Ranade, President of the Centre for China Analysis and Strategy (CCAS) and Member of the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB)  
    Opening Remarks: How to go about Predicting | Closing Remarks: How Party Politics will Evolve in the Face of Greater Personalisation of Rule

  • Dr. Li Nan, Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (NUS)
    Topics | 
    •    Party Control over Military
    •    External Factors Affecting Internal Behaviour, 
    •    CMC Posturing in Conflict Areas - Taiwan, South China Sea
    •    Civil-Military Relations

  • Dr. B. R. Deepak, Professor of Chinese and China Studies at the Centre of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi 
    Topics | 
    •    Party Personnel and Politburo
    •    Reviewing X's New Economics Team
    •    Comparison between 2nd and 3rd term
    •    Anti-corruption Campaign
    •    Constitutional Changes
    •    Personalistic Rule
    •    Factions
    •    Technocracy

  • Mr. Jayadeva Ranade, President of the Centre for China Analysis and Strategy (CCAS) and Member of the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB)
    Topic | Networks, Personnel, and Tactics of CIS (Chinese Intelligence Services)



  • Moderated by Dr. T. G. Suresh, Associate Professor at Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Opening and Closing Remarks: Provincial Challenges Awaiting China

  • Dr. Aravind Yelery, Associate Professor at the Centre for East Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Topic | Balancing Private and State-Owned Enterprises at the Provincial Level

  • Dr. Bhim Subba, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad
    Topic | Signalling Loyalty: How Local Leaders are becoming Risk-Averse

  • Dr. Ritu Agarwal, Associate Professor at Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Topic | Rural Development to Tackle the Demographic Crisis: A Provincial Lens

  • Dr. Hemant Adlakha, Associate Professor, Centre for Chinese and South East Asian Studies, School of Languages, Literature and Culture Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
    Topic | Civil Society, Censorship and Managing Public Opinion in Provinces

  • Mr. Neil Thomas, Fellow for Chinese Politics at Asia Society Policy Institute's (ASPI) Center for China Analysis
    Topic |  Continuation – or Departure – from the Supremo's Legacy

  • By Ms. Eerishika Pankaj, Head of Research and Operations Director at Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)

Who's Speaking

Our speakers for ORCA's Global Conference on New Sinology 2023

Dr. Jagannath Panda

Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) at the Institute for Security & Development Policy, Sweden

Mr. Claude Arpi

Distinguished Fellow, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (Delhi)

Amb. Shyam Saran

Former Foreign Secretary of India; former Chairman of National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) and current President of India International Centre (IIC)

Amb. Ashok Kantha

Former Ambassador of India to China

Dr. B. R. Deepak

Professor, Chinese and China Studies, Centre of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Dr. Anuradha Chenoy

Former Dean at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Lt Gen Praveen Bakshi

Former Eastern Army Commander & Distinguished Fellow, United Services Institution of India

Mr. Jayadeva Ranade

President of the Centre for China Analysis and Strategy (CCAS) and Member of the National Security Advisory Board

Dr. Aravind Yelery

Associate Professor at the Centre for East Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. Manpreet Sethi

Distinguished Fellow, Center for Air Power Studies and Senior Research Advisor, APLN

Dr. Shinji Yamaguchi

Senior Research Fellow, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defense, Japan

Cmd. C. Uday Bhaskar

Director of the Society for Policy Studies (SPS)

Dr. Swaran Singh

Professor for Diplomacy and Disarmament at Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Amb. Smita Purushottam

India's former Ambassador to Venezuela, Switzerland and Founder of Science, Indigenous Technology and Advanced Research Accelerator (SITARA)

Dr. Hemant Adlakha

Associate Professor, Centre for Chinese and South East Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Air Marshal M Matheswaran

Founder Chairman and President of The Peninsula Foundation (TPF)

Dr. Ritu Agarwal

Associate Professor at Centre for East Asian studies, School of International Studies, at Jawaharlal Nehru University

Dr. Sriparna Pathak

Associate Professor and the Director of the Centre for Northeast Asian Studies, School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University

Mr. Sanjay Pulipaka

Chairperson of the Politeia Research Foundation

Air Marshal Anil Chopra

Director General of Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS)

Capt. Kamlesh Agnihotri

Senior Fellow at the National Maritime Foundation (NMF)

Dr. Rupa Chanda

Director of the Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, UNESCAP

Mr. Neil Thomas

Fellow for Chinese Politics at Asia Society Policy Institute's Center for China Analysis

Dr. Renu Modi

Former Director of the Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai

Dr. Madhu Bhalla

Former Professor and Head of the Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University

Prof. Hideshi Tokuchi

President, Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS)

Ms. Lydia Powell

Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation

Amb. Ujal Singh Bhatia

India's Former Permanent Representative to the WTO

Dr. Li Nan

Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

Dr. Amrita Jash

Assistant Professor at the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Dr. Jabin Jacob

Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies & Director, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi NCR

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan

Faculty Member at Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi

Mr. Nitin Gokhale

Founder, StratNewsGlobal and Bharat Shakti

Dr. D. Sunitha Raju

Professor of Economics and Chairperson (Research), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

Dr. Bhim Subba

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad

Dr. S. P. Sharma

Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary General, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India

Dr. Swasti Rao

Associate Fellow at the Europe and Eurasia Center, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Ms. Namrata Hasija

Research Fellow, Centre for China Analysis and Strategy, New Delhi

Mr. Kabir Taneja

Fellow with the Strategic Studies program at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi

Mr. Lucas Myers

Senior Associate for Southeast Asia at the Asia Program, Wilson Center, Washington DC

Dr. T. G. Suresh

Associate Professor, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Mr. Konark Bhandari

Fellow, Carnegie India

Prof. S.D. Muni

Professor Emeritus, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. Johan Lagerkvist

Professor of Chinese Language and Culture and Director, Stockholm Center for Global Asia, Stockholm University

Dr. Rajat Kathuria

Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Economics, Shiv Nadar University, India

Dr. Usha Chandran

Assistant Professor, Centre for Chinese and South East Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Dr. Temjenmeren Ao

Associate Fellow, Southeast Asia & Oceania Centre, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Amb. Venu Rajamony

Professor of Diplomatic Practice, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University

Commodore R. Seshadri Vasan (Retd.)

Director General, Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S), and Regional Director, National Maritime Foundation (NMF)

Mr. M R Sivaraman IAS (Retd)

Vice-President, Chennai Centre for China Studies, Former Revenue Secretary, Govt of India

Cmde. Anil Jai Singh

Vice President and Head-Delhi branch, Indian Maritime Foundation and Senior Vice President, Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems India

Dr. Lance Liangping Gore

Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

Amb. Biren Nanda

Former High Commissioner to Australia, ASEAN, and Indonesia, and Senior Fellow for Act East Diplomacy, Delhi Policy Group

Dr. Chintamani Mahapatra

Founder and Honorary Chairman of Kalinga Institute of Indo-Pacific Studies

Amb. Manjeev Singh Puri

Former Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the UN

Capt. (Dr.) Nitin Agarwala

Senior Fellow, Centre for Joint Warfare Studies (CENJOWS), New Delhi


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Venue Partner

The Grand, New Delhi is ORCA's GCNS 2023 Venue Partner.

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Digital Partner

Digital Partner

KWAD is a software consulting firm that specializes in web-app, iOS & Android mobile application design and website development.

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Content Partner

Content Partner

The Memo is a digital platform that provides the latest insights into forces shaping business and politics globally.

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Research and Event Cooperation Partner

Research and Event Cooperation Partner

The Policy Perspectives Foundation (PPF) was founded in 2005 as a non-profit and apolitical think-tank on matters of national interest. The organisation's activities focus on complex and inter-connected challenges to internal peace, stability and development in India.

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Media Partner

Media Partner is an Indian niche venture that has established itself as an online media house that provides a judicious mix of on-ground reporting and in-depth analysis of events as they happen, in the strategic affairs, foreign policy and defence space. StratNews Global's coverage is also a valuable open-source intelligence as many dignitaries and people holding high offices talk to us on current affairs and international relations.

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University Partner

University Partner

The Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies under the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (SNIoE) is a research centre focussed on the economy, borders and identities, the environment and regional geopolitics of the wider Himalayan region including the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram.

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Think Tank Partner

Think Tank Partner

C3S is the only think tank based away from Delhi that carries out a focused study of China, and related dynamics in South Asia. The profile of research and discussion activities at C3S pivots on the in-depth study of developments relating to China with priority to issues of interest to India in various verticals - Business & Economics, Defence & Security, Geopolitics & Strategy, Society & Politics, Science & Technology, Human Rights & Law, Culture & History and Environment & Health.

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